136 Search results

For the term "revenue".
Daily Herald | Property tax appeals favor businesses in Cook County 0

Daily Herald | Property tax appeals favor businesses in Cook County

Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United for America, is quoted in the following article by the Daily Herald. Article updated: 10/5/2011 2:09 PM By Jake Griffin Many Cook County homeowners opened their tax bills...

Taxpayers’ Pain at Pump Helps Govt. Employees, Not Roads 0

Taxpayers’ Pain at Pump Helps Govt. Employees, Not Roads

CHICAGO – “With Chicago boasting the highest gas prices of any city in the country,” said Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), “taxpayers may be surprised to learn that their pain...

IL Executive Committee Approves $1.00 Cigarette Tax Hike 0

IL Executive Committee Approves $1.00 Cigarette Tax Hike

CHICAGO—”The one-dollar-a-pack cigarette tax increase passed by the Illinois Executive Committee Wednesday, S.B. 6, more than doubles the current state tax to $1.98 a pack and falls most heavily on low-income and minority residents...


Rain On The Lincoln Parade — Part 2

View as PDF There are many different estimates as to the number of casualties in Lincoln’s War Between the States.  If one also counts civilian dead, total casualties are probably well over 660,000. Ken...

Proposed $1.00 Cigarette Tax Hike a Tax on Poor and Will Put Many Stores Out of Business 0

Proposed $1.00 Cigarette Tax Hike a Tax on Poor and Will Put Many Stores Out of Business

CHICAGO—”The one-dollar-a-pack cigarette tax increase passed last year in the State Senate, S.B. 44, would raise the Illinois cigarette tax to $1.98 and fall most heavily on low-income and minority residents of Illinois,” said...

NTUI explains Quinn's tax lies on WGN 0

NTUI explains Quinn's tax lies on WGN

NTUI President Jim Tobin appeared on WGN News on Friday, to explain Governor Quinn’s carefully layered deception regarding his proposal to increase the state income tax. Tobin also informed WGN’s viewers as to the...

Top 50 GA Pensions Reveal Million Dollar Payouts As Tax Increase Looms 3

Top 50 GA Pensions Reveal Million Dollar Payouts As Tax Increase Looms

CHICAGO–Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI), today released the latest pension study of pension researcher Bill Zettler: the Top Fifty pensions received by former members of the Illinois General Assembly....

NTUI Blasts Illinois Republicans for Wasting Taxpayer Money on Petition-Challenge Schemes 2

NTUI Blasts Illinois Republicans for Wasting Taxpayer Money on Petition-Challenge Schemes

Illinois Republicans should stop trying to throw candidates off the ballot for purely selfish reasons, resulting in disenfranchisement of voters and waste of taxpayer dollars, said Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of...

“Troopergate” Outrages Illinois Taxpayers 18

“Troopergate” Outrages Illinois Taxpayers

An analysis released by Illinois Taxpayer Education Foundation (ITEF) reveals just how much the Illinois State Police (ISP) is costing Illinois taxpayers. At the end of 2009, more than 35% of the 2,000 state...