Taxpayer Education Foundation Blog

0 | Battle Looms Over State Pensions

Findings from TUA’s pension project on Tallahassee, Florida, are featured in this article from Florida’s pension plan for public workers faces a legal showdown in early September before the state’s highest court. On the morning...

Jacksonville Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers 0

Jacksonville Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers

View release as a PDF JACKSONVILLE—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) released estimated pension payouts for Jacksonville and Duval County government employees and Duval County government teachers. Florida refuses to release actual government pensions, ignoring...

Tallahassee Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers 0

Tallahassee Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers

View release as a PDF TALLAHASSEE—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) released estimated pension payouts for Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida State, University of Florida government employees and Leon County government teachers. Florida refuses to release...

Orlando Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers 0

Orlando Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers

View release as a PDF ORLANDO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) released estimated pension payouts for Orlando government employees and Orange County government teachers. Florida refuses to release actual government pensions, ignoring citizens’ right to...

Miami Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers 0

Miami Hides Stunning Government Pension Payments from Taxpayers

View release as a PDF MIAMI—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) released estimated pension payouts for Miami and Dade County government employees as well as Miami-Dade government teachers. Florida refuses to release actual government pensions,...

Politicians & Unions—Lying to Ill. Taxpayers About Gov't Pensions Since '95 3

Politicians & Unions—Lying to Ill. Taxpayers About Gov't Pensions Since '95

View release as a PDF CHICAGO–Politicians and government-employee unions have been lying to Illinois taxpayers about government pension plans and their problems since 1995, charges levied by pension analyst and Taxpayers United of America...