136 Search results

For the term "revenue".

F-Rated Fiscal Records for Eight U.S. Governors

Contact: Jared Labell (773) 766-4947 (312) 427-5128 jared@taxpayereducation.org View as PDF The Cato Institute released its 12th biennial fiscal report card earlier this month regarding the budget records of America’s governors from January 2012–August...


Illinois’ Corporate Income Tax is 9.5% – Fourth Highest in US!

The Illinois state corporate income tax is continues to be understated by reporters and politicians, according to the president of one of the nation’s largest taxpayer groups, Taxpayers United of America (TUA).

“The total Illinois corporate state income tax rate of 9.5% includes a base rate of 7% and another 2.5% on top of that, which was added by constitutional amendment in 1980,” said Jim Tobin, President of TUA.