Taxpayer Education Foundation Blog | Illinois-based Taxpayer Group Endorses U.S. 'Cancelling' Trillions in Debt 0 | Illinois-based Taxpayer Group Endorses U.S. 'Cancelling' Trillions in Debt

TUA’s commentary on the federal government’s debt default crisis was featured in an article at CHICAGO — The President of a Chicago based tax group is urging the U.S. to end its debt...

Tax Accountability Pres. Endorses Canceling Gov. Debt to Itself 0

Tax Accountability Pres. Endorses Canceling Gov. Debt to Itself

View as PDF CHICAGO—The President of Tax Accountability, economist, former Federal Reserve Bank examiner, and legendary tax fighter Jim Tobin, today endorsed the plan by U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-9, Florida) that Federal Reserve...


Left Right and You Radio | Jim Tobin and Illinois Pensions

Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United for America, appeared on Left Right and You Radio to discuss Illinois’ pension problem. To listen, click on the player below. [audio:|titles=Jim Tobin on Left Right and You...

Illinois Policy Institute | Illinois’ state government pension crisis and the top 100 pensioners 0

Illinois Policy Institute | Illinois’ state government pension crisis and the top 100 pensioners

Findings from TUA’s Illinois pension project are featured at the Illinois Policy Institute website. Illinois’ current unfunded state government pension liabilities total approximately $200 billion under Moody’s Investors Service’s new methodology. The Illinois Policy...

TUA Releases 15th Tax Survey of Illinois General Assembly 0

TUA Releases 15th Tax Survey of Illinois General Assembly

View as PDF CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA), one of the largest taxpayer organizations in the nation, has released its 15th biennial non-partisan Tax Survey of the Illinois General Assembly, revealing the tax and...

Eliminate Cost-of-Living Increases From Government Pensions! 0

Eliminate Cost-of-Living Increases From Government Pensions!

View release as a PDF CHICAGO—The plan offered by Springfield’s “bipartisan pension committee” to cut Illinois’ government pension costs is ineffectual and a public-relations stunt, charged the president of one of the nation’s largest...