136 Search results

For the term "revenue".
Olympics Puts Taxpayers On the Hook 1

Olympics Puts Taxpayers On the Hook

WITHOUT PROTECTION, CHICAGO OLYMPICS PUTS TAXPAYERS ON HOOK FOR BILLIONS Without liability protection, a Chicago 2016 Olympics will put Illinois taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars, according to the president of Illinois’...

ITEF Comment: Volume 15, Issue 12 2

ITEF Comment: Volume 15, Issue 12

IT’S OFFICIAL: ILLINOIS FY2009 REVENUE HIGHER THAN FY2008 The figures just released from the Illinois Comptroller’s Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, (http://www.ioc.state.il.us) indicate that total state revenue for Fiscal Year...

Quinn Creates Smokescreen To Hide Real Reason For State Income Tax Hike 2

Quinn Creates Smokescreen To Hide Real Reason For State Income Tax Hike

Ill.Gov. Patrick Quinn, one of the most crafty and slippery politicians the state has produced, has created a smokescreen to hide the real reason for pushing an increase in the state income tax of...

ITEF Comment – Volume 15, Issue 10 0

ITEF Comment – Volume 15, Issue 10

TOTAL STATE REVENUES DIP MODESTLY IN FY2009 By Jim Tobin For the first time in six years, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is down from the previous year, according...

Will The Real State Deficit Please Stand Up? 0

Will The Real State Deficit Please Stand Up?

CHICAGO–The president of Illinois’ largest taxpayer organization questioned whether anyone in Springfield actually knows or even cares what the budget “deficit” really is, in view of the multiplicity of figures thrown out by the...

$11.5 Billion Federal Stimulus Package Eliminates Need For State Income Tax Hike 0

$11.5 Billion Federal Stimulus Package Eliminates Need For State Income Tax Hike

The purported $9 billion deficit in state revenues will be wiped out without raising the state income tax, according to Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI). Tobin cited the massive...

ITEF Peoria News Conference 0

ITEF Peoria News Conference

ITEF was in Peoria on Wednesday, Febraury 11 to speak with local media regarding the state “revenue crisis”.  NTUI President Jim Tobin also addressed Gov. Patrick Quinn’s support for state income tax hike.

thumbnail of FY2009_January_RevAnalysis 0

ITEF Comment – Vol. XV Issue 6

TOTAL STATE REVENUES DIP MODESTLY IN FY2009 By Jim Tobin Peoria – For the first time in six years, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is down from the previous...


ITEF Springfield News Conference

15 reporters, including all 3 local network TV stations, attended ITEF’s Springfield news conference yesterday, January 12.  There, ITEF President Jim Tobin fielded questions regarding state revenues and what should be done to curb...

thumbnail of FY2009 Revenue Analysis 0

ITEF Comment – Vol. XV Issue 2


By Jim Tobin

Springfield – For the first time in six years, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is down from the previous year, according to data from the Illinois Comptroller’s website. Total tax revenue for the first 6 months of FY 2009 decreased $1.2 billion, 3.8%, over the same period in FY 2008. This modest dip in state revenue is not a fiscal crisis…