Category: TEF

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 9 0

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 9

CTA’S BIG DIG KEEPS SUCKING IN TAXPAYER DOLLARS CHICAGO-The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has halted construction on its “super station” in downtown Chicago that would have been the hub for express trains running between...


ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 8

$25 BILLION PORK FEST PLAN RUNNING IN EXPENSIVE CIRCLES There has been a lot of talk in Springfield recently about passing a capital budget plan. The Governor called a special session next week to...

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ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 7

TOTAL STATE REVENUES UP FOR SIXTH YEAR IN A ROW CHICAGO- For the sixth year in a row, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is significantly up from the previous...

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 6 0

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 6

CHICAGO PENSION TALKS A STEP IN RIGHT DIRECTION CHICAGO-The pension reform committee of Chicago has at last taken a bold step in solving their ballooning pension liabilities.  They are talking about shifting newly hired...

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 5 0

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 5

Total State Revenues Continue To Outpace Inflation CHICAGO- For the sixth year in a row, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is significantly up from the previous year, according to...

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 4 0

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 4

Capital Spending Plan Proposal Is Replay Of 1999 Spending Binge The current “Capital Plan,” languishing in the Illinois General Assembly, is reminiscent of the six massive “Illinois First” pork barrel spending bills of 1999....


ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 3

Total State Revenues Climb For Sixth Year In A Row CHICAGO- For the sixth year in a row, since ITEF began tracking state revenue, total Illinois state revenue is significantly up from the previous...

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 2 0

ITEF Comment Vol. XIV Issue 2

Millions Of Dollars Wasted On Redundant Douglas “L” Line As Taxpayers’ Warnings Are Ignored “I hate to say I told you so,” said Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI), “but...