Category: NTUI in the News


The Naperville Sun ran a story that quoted our own Jim Tobin calling for a halt to the millionaire pensions our teachers and administrators are sucking out of taxpayers pockets. State Sen. Chris Lauzen...

ITEF Dispells Myth: Illinois Is Not A Low Tax State 0

ITEF Dispells Myth: Illinois Is Not A Low Tax State

Crain’s Chicago Business published an Op-Ed by Jim Tobin based on ITEF Comment 12-7 that dispells the myth that Illinois is a “low-tax” state. Illinoisans pay more than the average share of taxes according...


Crain’s Chicago Business published an Op-Ed by Jim Tobin based on ITEFComment 12-7 that seeks to dispell the myth that Illinois is a “low-tax” state. Illinoisans pay more than the average share of taxes...


The Southwest News-Herald ran our recent ITEF Comment 12-6 as a Letter to the Editor. Every winning candidate for Governor since at least 1990 has promised not to raise the state income tax, and...


The Associated Press distributed a story all over Illinois (including ABC Chicago Ch. 7) about the University of Illinois Trustees wanting more money so they can pay professors “competitively” with private schools like Northwestern...


Several newspapers ran a Medill News Service story about the outcome of various referendums on the November 7 ballot, including the property tax increase referendums NTUI beat. The article below is from the NWI...

Pulling off a Sunday hat trick (or turkey if you prefer bowling) 0

Pulling off a Sunday hat trick (or turkey if you prefer bowling)

… this Page 3 story in the Daily Herald about the Peraica/Stroger race called on NTUI President Jim Tobin to compare the candidates on fiscal issues. Click here to view the article.