Category: Illinois

6 Democrats Stand in the Way of Illinois Economic Recovery 0

6 Democrats Stand in the Way of Illinois Economic Recovery

View release as a PDF Chicago – “Six Springfield Democrats, any six Democrats or all Springfield Democrats, need to be fired in order to demote Speaker Madigan to House Minority Leader,” stated Jim Tobin,...

Cook County Proposes Huge Tax Hike on Poor 0

Cook County Proposes Huge Tax Hike on Poor

View release as a PDF Chicago–Cook County Board boss Toni Preckwinkle’s promotion of a $1.00-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes as a humanitarian initiative has questionable motives, according to Rae Ann McNeilly, director of outreach...

Adams County Crushed by Government Pensions 2

Adams County Crushed by Government Pensions

View release as a PDF Quincy—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of a new pension study for the Quincy municipal government employees, Adams County government employees and Adams County government teachers....

Westmont Bureaucrats Desperate to Protect Home Rule Taxing Power 2

Westmont Bureaucrats Desperate to Protect Home Rule Taxing Power

View release as a PDF Chicago – “Westmont residents stand to keep a lot more of their hard-earned money if they vote “YES” to end home rule on November 6,” stated Rae Ann McNeilly,...

Chicago Homeowners To See Big Property Tax Hikes Due To Government-School Retiree Pensions 0

Chicago Homeowners To See Big Property Tax Hikes Due To Government-School Retiree Pensions

View release as a PDF CHICAGO–Not only are Chicago homeowners going to see big increases in their property taxes due to the unconscionable 16% pay raise offered to striking Chicago government-school teachers, but the...

Chicago Teachers’ Strike Would Be Just Plain Stupid! 0

Chicago Teachers’ Strike Would Be Just Plain Stupid!

View release as a PDF CHICAGO–Chicago teachers, who are the second-highest paid big-city teachers in the nation, are demanding an unconscionable pay hike while workers in the private sector struggle to keep their jobs,...

Illinois Tollway Retirees Get Wealthy For Doing Nothing 1

Illinois Tollway Retirees Get Wealthy For Doing Nothing

View release as a PDF CHICAGO—Some Illinois Tollway employees retire very early, and often become pension millionaires over their long retirement, according to the President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA). “Our organization has...

Politicians & Unions—Lying to Ill. Taxpayers About Gov't Pensions Since '95 3

Politicians & Unions—Lying to Ill. Taxpayers About Gov't Pensions Since '95

View release as a PDF CHICAGO–Politicians and government-employee unions have been lying to Illinois taxpayers about government pension plans and their problems since 1995, charges levied by pension analyst and Taxpayers United of America...