Category: Illinois


Rockford & Winnebago County Taxpayers Crushed by Gov. Pension Debt

ROCKFORD—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) today released the results of a new pension study of the pensioners of Rockford Municipal government, Winnebago County government, Winnebago government teachers, and Rock Valley College.

“Illinois leaders, Gov. Patrick Quinn (D), Michael Madigan (D), and John Cullerton (D), continue to fail in their duty to taxpayers in Rockford and Winnebago County,” stated Jim Tobin, president of TUA.

Power Structure Turns Back Riverside-Brookfield School District 208 Electioneering Lawsuit 0

Power Structure Turns Back Riverside-Brookfield School District 208 Electioneering Lawsuit

View Release as PDF CHICAGO—The president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA) condemned the unresponsiveness of the legal system in Illinois, which denied an appeal by taxpayers who sued Riverside-Brookfield Sch. Dist. 208 for...

Yes, Pres. Cullerton, Impending Bankruptcy IS a Crisis! 1

Yes, Pres. Cullerton, Impending Bankruptcy IS a Crisis!

View as PDF CHICAGO—Ill. Senate President, John Cullerton is putting Illinois at risk of going under by denying that the state’s pension systems are in crisis, according to the Executive Director of Taxpayers United...

TUA Releases 15th Tax Survey of Illinois General Assembly 0

TUA Releases 15th Tax Survey of Illinois General Assembly

View as PDF CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA), one of the largest taxpayer organizations in the nation, has released its 15th biennial non-partisan Tax Survey of the Illinois General Assembly, revealing the tax and...

Eliminate Cost-of-Living Increases From Government Pensions! 0

Eliminate Cost-of-Living Increases From Government Pensions!

View release as a PDF CHICAGO—The plan offered by Springfield’s “bipartisan pension committee” to cut Illinois’ government pension costs is ineffectual and a public-relations stunt, charged the president of one of the nation’s largest...