Village of Rochester to Vote on Home Rule March 18

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140213_rochesterflyer-1“Rochester Village bureaucrats are hoping to strip voters of their right to vote on property tax increases by placing a Home Rule referendum on the March 18 ballot,” stated Jim Tobin, president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).

“Rochester government bureaucrats want to raise taxes at a time when we should be cutting taxes. Home Rule is ‘Home Ruin’ because it gives unlimited taxing authority to bureaucrats who just love to recklessly spend other people’s money. Home rule always means higher taxes.”

“This is nothing more than a money grab by greedy government bureaucrats who will tax everything they can to prop up their own salaries and pensions.”

“By increasing or adding taxes to products and services in Rochester, savvy customers will go elsewhere to escape the higher taxes imposed through Home Rule. The last thing Rochester businesses need is to give customers a reason to spend money elsewhere.”

“Voters in Rochester need to vote NO to stop Home Rule and force the village government to live within its means, just like they, the taxpayers, must do.”

“Taxpayers can download a copy of our flyer at and get the word out to friends and neighbors, that they have a chance to retain their right to vote on tax increases by voting NO to stop home rule in Rochester.”

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