Jim Tobin, A Friend Of Liberty (1945-2021)
May 2nd, 2022
CHICAGO–Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel should, for once, take the side of Chicago taxpayers and fire the city’s striking teachers, said Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
“Huge raises have been offered to striking teachers. Four percent raises per year would take the average salary of Chicago government-school teachers from $76,000 to $88,900 by 2016. The teachers union is still keeping its exact demands under wraps.”
Download the top 100 teacher salaries for Chicago Public Schools (CPS) here.
“Where is this additional money going to come from? From Chicago taxpayers, of course, by way of significant hikes in their property taxes. Mayor Emanuel is supporting a $340+ million property tax increase on the middle class and poor.”
“It’s time Chicago taxpayers demand that Mayor Emanuel fire striking teachers rather than saddling them with more property tax increases. Using his unlimited home rule powers, and working with the Democrats controlling the Illinois General Assembly to eliminate tenure, he could replace these greedy public employees with qualified teachers who care more for children than their own pocketbooks.”
“If Rahm Emanuel is not up to the task, Chicago taxpayers should fire him when he runs for re-election.”
This release is the third in a series. To see the previous two, click below:
1 Response
[…] Taxpayers United of America recently noted that even a four percent raise was allotted Chicago’s teachers that raise would bring their […]