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The following commentary by Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United for America, is featured at bcrnews.com. The subject of the commentary is a ballot measure in the city of Princeton, Illinois, on “unlimited home rule taxing power”.

As president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), I am urging voters in the city of Princeton, Illinois, to vote no on the March 20 referendum to adopt unlimited home rule taxing power. Compared to the average income in Princeton, city politicians and bureaucrats already are living like kings.

Right now, the city of Princeton must have support from a majority of voters in order to raise city taxes. If unlimited home rule taxing power is passed, the city could raise property taxes and create new taxes without asking voters for approval. In addition, adopting home rule would exempt the city of Princeton from the current 5 percent property tax cap. The city could then raise city property taxes by any amount, any time.

Home rule also would allow the city of Princeton to impose new taxes on businesses, gasoline, groceries, parking and almost anything else.

Current and retired city bureaucrats already are rolling in money compared with Princeton residents. They don’t need more money from Princeton residents. The average annual income in Princeton is only $37,000; the median value of a home is only $102,000; and current unemployment stands at 10.2 percent. Retired Princeton bureaucrats also are raking in the dough.

Politicians are notorious for scheduling home rule and property tax increase referenda during primaries, when voter-turnout is low. This March 20, if only 10 percent of voters turn out, Princeton bureaucrats, who will be out in force, will be able to pass this home rule referendum easily.

Princeton voters should go to the polls this March 20, along with their family members and neighbors, and vote no on the unlimited home rule taxing power referendum.

Jim Tobin


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