Jim Tobin, A Friend Of Liberty (1945-2021)
May 2nd, 2022
Click here to view the city of Appleton, WI’s top government salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view Outagamie County, WI’s top government school salaries and estimated pensions.
Click here to view Outagamie County, WI’s top government salaries and pensions.
APPLETON–A report released today by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) reveals that government employees of the City of Appleton, County of Outagamie, and Appleton Area School District are receiving very generous salaries and that their estimated pension benefits in many cases will be larger than salaries in the private sector.
“The most outrageous salaries are in the government schools of the Appleton Area School District,” said Christina Tobin, TUA Vice President, “followed by the City and County.”
“At the top of the Top 50 Appleton Area School District salaries is Lee Allinger, with an annual salary of $160,000. Fringe benefits, which can include Healthcare and life insurance, are estimated to be $48,263, every cent of which is paid for by taxpayers.”
The state refuses to release figures relating to pensions, and I condemn this lack of transparency. The public have the right to pension information they have paid for. On the basis of the figures that were released, Allinger’s future annual pension including Social Security is estimated to start at a very sumptuous $138,000.”
“Also high on the list of the Top 50 Appleton Area School District is Yvette Dunlap, with an annual salary of $123,572 and fringe benefits of $44,900. Her estimated future pension including Social Security is an extravagant $112,500.
“The Public Works Director of Appleton, Paula Vandehey, has a salary of $117,396, with an estimated future pension including Social Security of $108,885 a year. Lisa Remiker, Finance Director, has a salary of $115,924, and an estimated annual pension including Social Security of $107,701.”
“Government employees of Outagamie County also are doing very well in this recession. Of the Top 50 salaries and pensions, Rosemary V. Davis heads the list with an annual salary of $119,725, and an estimated pension including Social Security of $109,807. Joseph P. Guidote, Jr., follows closely with an annual salary of $116,126, and an estimated pension including Social Security of $107,289.
“Wisconsin’s pension system is making multimillionaires out of government employees at taxpayer expense,” said Tobin. “With today’s release, we are shining the spotlight on the runaway government employee benefits that Gov. Scott Walker has attempted to bring under control.”
“The citizens of WI spoke loud and clear last November that they wanted to change the way government works in Wisconsin. The purpose of government is not to create rich government employees.”