Illinois State Police Pensions Get Media Attention They Deserve

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CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) released Illinois State Police Pensions and garnered major media attention.

Click here to read the release where we publish the ISP pension study and Jim Tobin calls on Gov. Quinn to freeze hiring until comprehensive pension reforms are passed.
CBS 2 in Chicago secured an exclusive release of the TUA study on Illinois State Police pensions before it was released to the rest of the IL media. Click here to see the great story by their investigative reporter, Pam Zekman.

Fox 32 in Chicago reported on the apparent lifestyles of the rich and not-so-famous ISP.

Since Illinois has the worst government pension problem in the country, even MyFoxPhoenix published our ISP pension study!

Whiteout Press was sure to take the story to its online readers.

Conservative blog, Illinois Review published the CBS 2 coverage of our ISP study.

Click here to read the follow-up story just released on how much it will cost IL taxpayers if Gov. Quinn hires nearly 200 additional state troopers.

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