Monthly Archive: February 2012

Cleveland Ohio: Top Secret Government Pensions Revealed 0

Cleveland Ohio: Top Secret Government Pensions Revealed

CLEVELAND— Taxpayers United of America (TUA) revealed government employee wages and pension estimates for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.  Ohio’s government employees are not only receiving generous salaries, but when retired, many will become pension...

Youngstown Ohio: Top Secret Government Pensions Revealed 2

Youngstown Ohio: Top Secret Government Pensions Revealed

YOUNGSTOWN— Taxpayers United of America (TUA) revealed government employee wages and pension estimates for Youngstown and Mahoning County.  Ohio’s government employees are not only receiving generous salaries, but when retired, many will become pension...

Clueless Gov. Quinn Makes Titanic's Captain Seem Highly-Skilled By Comparison 0

Clueless Gov. Quinn Makes Titanic's Captain Seem Highly-Skilled By Comparison

The President of Taxpayers United of American (TUA) today compared Gov. Patrick Quinn (D) to the Captain of the Titanic, saying that Quinn makes the Titanic Captain look highly-skilled by comparison. “In his state...